The Battle for Productivity [Part 1 of 5]

the battle for productivity

Productive, it’s how every entrepreneur wants to feel. It’s empowering to look at something that has been built or created and say “This was me. I did this. I made this.”  Or to know you are getting things done, and be able to look at your list at the end of the day or week, […]

Getting Prepared for Year-End

getting prepared to year end calendar

As September turns to October, and the days get shorter, and it becomes the season where we spend more and more time with family. It is not unusual to think about ways to simplify your workload and get as much of your business in order for year-end before the holidays begin. The first thing I […]

Sales Tax Tips

female trying to get some sales tax tips

When most people think about their sales taxes – what is taxable, what is not, how much to charge, how to remit, etc., they get an instant headache. I found this article and wanted to share it with you. Sales Tax 101  It’s a quick read filled with a lot of valuable information. If you […]

How to Prepare for Year End

2021 2022 2013 preparing for year end

The end of the year can be a hectic time!  With finalizing your year-end bookkeeping, getting 1099s and W-2s ready, preparing and gathering documents for your tax advisor. It’s a time where you are planning ahead for next year, what changes do you want to make, and the schedule you want to create.  In addition, […]

The Similarity Between Businesses and Snowflakes

woman showing the similarity between snowflakes and businesses

Growing up in New England, my father would send us outside each winter to find identical snowflakes whenever it snowed. The promise of a reward would keep my siblings and me outside for hours! No matter how long and hard we tried, we never found two snowflakes alike. Even though we never found a matching […]