Change Your
Money MindsetChange Your Business
Let me guess, you’ve started a business (or are about to) and realized there’s a lot more to it than just providing a service or product? Turns out you have to manage all of its finances as well. Sounds easy enough, right? “We made X, spent X and are doing good” or “have to make changes”.
So many businesses have this mindset when in reality, it is so much more than that. Did you know that if you manage your finances properly you can save your business tens-of-thousands of dollars in taxes? Or that outsourcing is actually good for your business to grow, even if you don’t think you should spend the money? Money is not as easy as it seems, I mean, that’s why people pay for accountants and CPS’s, so they don’t have to deal with it.
This free Money Mindset course will cover the 5 following topics and change your perspective on money and help get your business on the right track (and guess what, this is just the beginning)!
- Challenge Your Money Belief System
- Change Your Mindset From Rigid To Flexible
- Correct These Five Most Common Money Mistakes
- Change Your Negative Tapes
- Find A Goal That Transforms And Inspires You
“As I celebrated my 10 year anniversary with my business I was feeling crushed. I was working so hard to find clients, produce content, manage projects, work with vendors, and quality check everything, that I neglected working on my finances. No matter what I did, or how much I made in a given month, I never seemed to have money left over and kept thinking – there has to be a better way. I was referred to Linda through a friend, and she helped me to apply the principles of the Profit First system. After following them religiously, after 8 months I was able to save over $45,000 in profit, and still have all the money I needed for taxes and expenses. The changes I needed to make were small, and life changing. Now I am excited to work on my financials, and feel the game has changed. I look forward to seeing how much I get to keep, and see my business continue to grow. I can’t thank Linda and the Profit First system enough.”
Mark Borst – Managing Partner
Rampant Imaginations
Make today the day you become the change your business needs to become profitable. All it takes is a little information below, and we will provide you with our free video course to change your outlook on your finances forever.