When you’re running a business, just managing paperwork can feel like a full-time job. It’s easy to let business tasks like reconciling your finances, reviewing insurance policies, and filing documents slip to the bottom of your to-do list. 

There are ways to keep these types of tasks from piling up. Some can be done monthly, quarterly or annually. Adding a few to your to-do list is a lot easier than tackling dozens of tasks ahead of a tax deadline or at the end of the year. 

Here are some items to add to your monthly, quarterly, and annual workflows. 

Monthly Tasks to Add to Your Business Checklist

Completing monthly tasks like reviewing your finances help ensure your business is still on track. Spread these tasks out throughout the month or set aside some time at the end of the month to handle them in one sitting. 

Quarterly Tasks to Add to Your Business Checklist

Checking in on important items like your insurance coverage on a quarterly basis can help you avoid year-end surprises. Add a few of these tasks to your list each month to spread them out throughout the quarter. 

Annual Tasks to Add to Your Business Checklist

Another successful year of business in the books! Before you celebrate, wrap up the end of the year by evaluating your business and setting some exciting goals for the year ahead. There’s nothing better than feeling peace of mind as you head into the new year.

These monthly, quarterly, and annual tasks often fall through the cracks for busy business owners. After all, you’re busy providing excellent services to your clients. But if you’re seeking a little more peace of mind in your business, add these items to your to-do list. You’ll be glad you did!

Ready to swap panic for peace of mind in your business? Set up a conversation!